To Earn Huge ROI While Renting Email Lists, Simply Read & Apply The Principles Taught In The "Win Win Manifesto" Below. This is a true story below told by Scott Palat. For years, I’ve been begging affiliates to promote my offer and for years, it’s been the biggest pain in my ass. When I first got started, I did NOT have a list and the amount of time I spent begging, pleading and hoping for a promotion was insane. Even once I had a decent sized list (100k+), it was still hard to get confirmed promotion dates from affiliates. In April of 2019, that all changed thanks to my business coach Rob Canyon pushing me and Mike Geary’s famous words “I think you should be more aggressive Scott”. The way my Rob put it was like this. He said “What do you think would happen to the marketing manager of Agora if they didn’t spend the marketing budget by the end of the month?” I said what? He said, “They would be fired”. Then he asked me to spend $10,000 that month on marketing or I would be fired (we both laughed). That was the mentality he wanted me to have and I am glad he framed it this way. Luckily at the time, I did have an extra 10k, but that was all I had to my marketing budget name. So in April of 2019, I began reaching out to list owners/managers about pre paying for email list rentals. The first thing I noticed is that everyone said YES and they immediately got right back to me and gave me a confirmed promotion date. In the Affiliate/JV world, I never got confirmed dates quickly, so this was a big surprise for me. Before I dive deep into the details and mindset you’ll need to have in order to profit on list rentals, here is the first big lesson I learned on my way to making this strategy work. Your creative is equally as important as your conversion rate! Let that sink in!! Here is why. If you only have a high converting offer, but your email creative costs you say $2 per click (spend $2,000 on a list rental, but only get 1,000 clicks), you better be converting at over $2 gross per click to have any hope of profiting. If you have a high converting offer and your email creative gets lots of clicks that cost say .50 per click, you’ll be profiting like a boss if your offer converts (spend $2,000 on a list rental and get 4,000 clicks). That’s why your creative is so important and that’s also the reason you can’t split test creatives on 1,000 clicks (split 3 ways) and think that’s the holy grail of data. You really need at least 1,000 clicks to test each creative in a head to head competition so you can identify a winning creative that gets the most clicks. What this really means is that you need to split test with big lists! Back in the Fall of 2018 is when I started split testing my creatives and I split tested 3 different lists that cost me about 5k each (15k total). After losing some money, but chalking it up to “gathering data”, I ended up finding one creative that gets 66.7% more clicks than my control. Ever since I found that winning creative, my entire business changed and that initial loss was so worth it. I have always had a high converting offer, but now I had a creative that could generate .50 - $1 clicks with pretty much any list. Once you get your creative dialed in, it will make a huge difference in your ability to profit. Just to note… for those of you who think the creative itself primes the audience to buy, it’s a great theory that can drive you nuts. I prefer to measure 1 thing with my creative split tests and that’s clicks. It’s a simple stat to measure, but if you want to go down the rabbit hole and look at the revenue per email and give credit to the creative for making sales even though the 60 minute vsl or sales letter is responsible for the actually conversion, go for it. I just don’t recommend over thinking what a creative is responsible for doing. Your creative should sell the click... not the product. On top of this, you ABSOLUTELY MUST test your creative to gmail and yahoo to see if it inboxes in the primary folder. Your own test to your own primary inbox is about 80% accurate and if you can get it into your primary inbox (not promotions tab), it'll go to everyone else's primary box about 80% of the time. Sometimes you can change "AM" to "Morning" in a subject line to get your test email moved from promotions tab to your primary inbox. Other times, you have to tweak words in the subject and the body and sometimes, you just won't get it into the inbox with that creative which means that you must write a new one and test it. There is no rhyme or reason to this madness. If you ask me, I think the algorithm is broken for gmail because it makes no sense why one creative from the same ip + domain can get inboxed by adding a ? or quotes. Either way, test your creative (the one you'll be handing to list managers) and get it into the primary tab folder before buying up lots of list rentals. Now, that I explained the basics, I am excited to share with you the mindset you’ll need to make this strategy profitable in the long term. When is the last time you spent $5,000 or more on a list rental and had no attachment to the outcome? I remember spending 2k on a list rentals and I was scared to lose that money. In fact, every time I ever rented a list until recently, I battled fear before and during the promotion. Then if I actually lost money on a promotion, I often times cried like a baby & blamed the list. Plus, I was afraid to invest into other list rental opportunities. Looking back at it, this was not the ideal way for me to think about it and you’ll understand why as you read on. There are 3 important keys to success that will help you overcome fear and more importantly get excited about these opportunities. If you are going to rent lists, you want to make it your goal to have fun and unless you have all 3 of these things in place, I do NOT recommend doing it. #1 Key To Success That’ll Help You Overcome Fear & Have Fun - Have an offer that has high day 1 revenue and a high lifetime customer value LTV. If your offer is not converting the way you need it to earn a high day 1 revenue, try hiring a sale copy writer. I have a friend Sandy who did this very thing and after a complete revamp of her front end offer, the conversion rate almost doubled and now she is able to rent lists and drive more sales and traffic anytime she wants. I am not going to bore you with a speech about why conversion rate and day 1 revenue is important, but just know that if at first you don’t succeed, try… try again. Once you get your day 1 revenue dialed in, your next focus should be getting a high LTV. If you don’t know the value of your customer over the lifetime, you are going to have difficulty making the right decisions on how much you can afford to pay per new customer. So be sure to keep track of this! Autoships and reoccurring revenue is wonderful for LTV, but so are high ticket products or services that you can sell to your customers later. Then, you have upsells and downsells that can add a lot of revenue to your day 1 revenue too. Plus, you might have low ticket/high volume offers where you are selling 1,000+ per day too. Obviously, test all of these and especially test your pricing if you are not in the low ticket game. From where I sit, I feel that many business owners could raise their prices (especially on physical products) and be shocked that the conversion rates stay the same and their day 1 revenue sky rockets. Sure you might have to frame the pricing a little differently, but if you can compare it to some other expensive doctor visit or procedure they might “not” need later, it’s easy to justify a higher price than what you are currently selling for. When it comes to LTV and day 1 revenue, don’t ever give up on increasing this! I know a guy who raised his prices from $49 to $69 and then from $69 to $89 and then from $99 to the current $119 price. How did he pull that off? Because he had the guts to try! Do whatever it takes to get your LTV and day 1 revenue higher. Measure every dollar including how much that buyer email subscriber is worth too. There is extra value in each subscriber/buyer or even lead who you email in the future. Be sure to add that in! If you do not offer reoccurring, try that right next to your regular price offer. You can easily test autoship/reoccuring with a discount right next to a regular priced product of the same. Look at how Dutch Brother’s coffee does it (click here). If you do offer reoccuring and you want to increase the longevity of your renewals (LTV), try including a print newsletter in your package and offering an email program that gives pure value as unannounced bonuses. I know someone who “doubled” his autoship renewal rate by giving away a print newsletter valued at $29.95 (in with the products they ordered), plus a 60 day personal development email series (1 email every other day) that was given away as a free unannounced $1,000 bonus to autoship customers. When the customers opened up their package after receiving their products in the mail, there is a nicely written letter that thanks them for "choosing to become" a VIP autoship customer and it explains why they deserve these free bonuses. None of these bonuses were spoken about during the sales process FYI and that's what makes it so special. #2 Key To Success That’ll Help You Overcome Fear & Have Fun - Use a creative that gets a butt ton of clicks so you generate lots of revenue from each list rental. The bottom line with this is “shut up and pay”. We can’t mix words. It’s going to cost you to test. Remember I spent 15k split testing my creatives and what I didn’t tell you above is that I lost about $9,000 while split testing. In the long run, it was so worth it because now that my winning creative performs so well, I’ve been running it for over two years and I still can’t beat it, even when I try other split tests which I do from time to time. Who would have thought that one creative could be used like this? Not me! I would have thought it would burn out, but that just isn’t happening yet. #3 Key To Success That’ll Help You Overcome Fear & Have Fun – Have a marketing budget. If you can set aside at least $20,000+ and let it ride, you can make huge strides and not care if one promotion bombs. I have a friend Marc who is new to the game and has a supplement that I tested to my list. I sent 1,600 clicks and it earned me $1600. When I asked how much gross income that promotion earned him, he said $3200. That’s $2 per click. When I mailed this particular offer, it was with a creative that had never been tested and I had hopes he could find a better performing creative. I urged my friend to spend 5k on a big list rental that would let him split test his creatives. He was scared, but after a lot of going back and forth he agreed to try it even though he might have lost money. I estimated that he might lose 2k at most based on my small test. I only mentioned that to him as a worst case scenario so that he wouldn’t go into this promotion being scared. I wanted him to be excited! My friend did split test 3 creatives and got about 5,000 clicks total from this particular women’s fitness list. Two of the creatives bombed and one of the creatives got double the clicks compared to the other two. His total sales were $7,000 and he proudly profited $2,000 (minus product costs of course). Now that my friend had $7,000, he could buy more list rentals and really start to make some money. When I asked him when he is going to buy some more a couple weeks later, he said he ran out of money and was basically back to begging for jv’s again (without a list to offer recips too…. Uggg). I was stunned that he didn’t put that money back into his marketing budget and keep things rolling, but then I realized that I did not do a good job of guiding him. At the time, I didn’t even realize that having a marketing budget was one of the keys to my own success. Since I started this journey, I always set aside funds and keep at least 15k and as much as 30k in my budget at any one time. There have been months that I spent 50k+ because it all keeps coming back to me so quickly. Since money is always coming in and out, the marketing budget set aside does vary, but by constantly replenishing my budget, this has helped me over come fear to pre pay and has kept my revenues on a steady uphill path. So the lesson here is to start with a marketing budget and always replenish it and do not question where the money came from to fund it. Just fund it and don’t ever stop renting lists and funding unless you actually run out of money. If that happens, fix your offer! One other little dirty secret I’ll share with you is that many companies use their list revenue to fund marketing if the list rentals aren’t immediately profitable. I have done this myself just to keep the momentum even if I lose money out of the gates on a few list rentals. If I didn’t do this, my business would stop growing and I’d probably just pout about losing immediate money without understanding that more money will come in later thanks to my strong LTV. This whole game is about momentum and the fact is, you will not profit on day 1 with every list rental, so you need to fund your marketing budget however you can as long as you know your LTV will eventually bring in profits. If I rent a list and get 10 customer sales who brought in $3000 in revenue, I add up the LTV from each customer to help determine if this was a profitable promotion or not. Here is an example. If a promotion cost me $4,000 and brought in $3,000 in sales, it's easy to say this was a loser, but that would be false! If I know my LTV is $500 and my 10 customers only averaged $3,000 initially, I can expect to earn an additional $2,000 ($200 x 10) over time from those same 10 customers. In this scenario, that would put my profit at $1,000 as I know that promotion will eventually earn $5,000 (because I know my LTV) even though only $3,000 came in on day 1. If I lost you on this, please re-read it. This is super important to understand. You have to make decisions on real numbers and your LTV is part of this equation. There is even more hidden LTV revenue from the customer emails you might mail 3rd party offers to later or leads you might have generated on your webpage. I'll talk more about this below. Once you start building relationships with list managers or list owners directly, you want a long term relationship and more importantly, you want to get your offer working on their traffic so you can rent their lists again and again. Recently, I started buying political traffic because there is a lot of it. I understood the risk of buying clicks to a demographic that is not my perfect match. I lost close to $10,000 on the first few promotions and took 100% of the responsibility. Because I wanted this unlimited source of traffic, I made it my goal to tweak my funnel and get it to work. After a few tests, I now have this source of traffic working to my offer and if I would have quit or asked for a make good, that wouldn't have done either of us any good. What did me good was taking responsibility and fixing the funnel for this particular type of traffic + providing a better creative that generated more clicks. When you rent lists, sometimes your creative won't perform well (especially when you target new audiences) and other times, your offer won't convert well enough. In both of these cases, it's your fault. Since you are looking for long term traffic sources and list managers are looking for long term deals from repeat clients, you do have a right to ask for a make good, but you better come at it with some changes or you'll get the same result. Also, keep in mind that first impressions are everything and if the first deal you do with a list manager specifically goes bad and you ask for a make good, that might affect your long term relationship of ever getting a promotion with them again. Ideally, you want a long term relationship with list managers, so be prepared to take some on the chin and ask for make goods only if you can pin point an error on their end or if you sell the idea of a make good with the fact that you will continue renting their lists for years to come. Remember that since your goal is to always replenish your marketing budget, even if you spend 5k and only make 2k back immediately, that 2k should go back into your marketing budget, so it’s not a complete loss. Plus, the LTV will add up to be more in the long run too. It’s fun getting to work with people who have regular offers that convert. I however have an optin funnel and when I rent list, I often times have to wait weeks to get my investment back. It’s a completely different game vs renting a list and getting your money back quick. I however, am playing the long game as I build my list and eventually get my list rental investments back. When I pre pay for a promotion, here is my full equation. Day 1 revenue from X# of customers + LTV of each email X# of subscribers ($3) + LTV for my products exclusively ($500). So if I spend 5k on a rental and sell to 10 customers that bring in 3k in day 1 sales, I also add the long term value of 500 subscribers (at $3 each) which equals another $1500 + the missing LTV that didn't come in after day 1. In that example, I’d add $1,500 in subscriber value (500 subscribers x $3 each) + $3,000 in sales. That would put me at $4500, but I must also add up the LTV of customers since I know my LTV is $500 each and they only spent $300 each so far. This gives me an extra $2,000 in revenue that I will eventually get back.
Here is the final equation: $3,000 in tracked sales + $1500 is new subscriber LTV + $2,000 in LTV that exceeds what each customer already spent = $6500 In this case, I would have earned $6500 from a $5,000 investment even though some of the new subscriber LTV + LTV of each customer might not come in till months later.
Ideally, I would like to profit fast and build a list, but with an optin funnel (mine particular), that does not always happen, but since I know the value of each subscriber and know I’ll eventually get that money back from LTV, I am able to make decisions based on real stats and again use any other money to keep funding my marketing budget. Once you start renting lists from individual companies or list managers who have access to many lists, there is a chance that they’ll mail you on straight CPA once you prove that your offer can make them lots of money and you pre pay or pay fast if it’s a CPA deal. I have another friend Eric who started buying affiliate hybrid rentals (one of the options in our directories) from a large list manager and after the first deal that paid the list manager way more, his offer was opened up to all of their lists with a straight CPA deal so he didn’t have to pre pay again. Another friend of mine, Katerina pre-paid for an affiliate hybrid deal and the commissions came in so much higher, that her offer has been getting mailed monthly on straight CPA by that particular list manager too. These list managers are thrilled to have found a winning offer, but if both of them didn’t offer to pre pay in the very beginning, that relationship would have never gotten started. So you never know where pre-paid relationships can lead you. I have had that same experience and I love not having to ask, beg or pre pay to get promoted. If you follow the big boys in the health space, you know that Agora and Golden Hippo have created machines that consistently produce profit. Their marketing managers just focus on feeding the machine and the revenues & profits continues to grow overall. Do you think they know their LTV and include future earnings when making decisions to rent or not rent a list again? You bet they do! You need to create a machine of your own to truly be successful. When you have this mindset, you don’t care about winning on day 1 from every list rental, because you know that feeding the machine will always lead to more riches as your customer LTV continues to bring in revenue weeks and even months later. This brings us back to what I said above about using other funds to feed your marketing budget as long as you are profiting in the long run. This is the mindset you must have to truly be a winner in the list rental game. Feed your machine! As for me personally, I can honestly say that I only win on list rentals about 50% the time from a pure cash standpoint within 30 days. But once I include my LTV + lifetime subscriber value, I win close to 80% of the time even if that money doesn't show up for 6 months. I include those final numbers in the equation and that's what fuels me to keep feeding my machine that lets me keep buying more rentals as more and more profits keep coming in. Sometimes when I am running low on my marketing budget, I’ll use extra money from auto-ships, sales or even 3rd party offers I ran to my list to fund it. I make it fun by saying to myself… “any money that comes in today will go directly to my marketing budget”. If I am desperate to fund my marketing budget, I’ll run a free shipping offer to my list (with a countdown timer “today only”) for my own products and I’ll use all the revenue on that special offer to fund my budget for my next buys. I do whatever it takes to keep my budget full so I can keep spending and I recommend you have that same attitude. When you are focused on feeding your machine no matter what, money will show up from places you didn’t calculate and you can keep your momentum going. Momentum is everything in this game. I know a lot of people who run facebook ads and CRUSH IT. I am always proud of those people who pull that off and I love buying traffic from them directly. As for me personally, I never once had fun running fb ads. I hired some of the best guys in the industry and tried and tried again, but failed every time. After a while, I realized it just wasn’t fun. Plus, I remember the day back in 2012 when I got the adwords slap and I probably would have been a nervous wreck even if I did get fb going. Getting slapped when you have 20k+ worth of payroll to make every month because you were “scaling” sucks! Anyways, the thing I love about renting email lists using this block chain technology is that my win win system makes it simple and fun. Plus, where else can you get over 100,000 email clicks per month easily. If you want to have fun and an access this unique block chain technology that stores every deal + displays promotion dates, you came to the right place... if you qualify. I hope this guide helps you make wise decisions for your business and I especially hope you are able to grow a long term profitable business while helping people from around the world look and feel better about themselves and their health. As more and more businesses enter our health market place, the importance of mailing your list daily and building a long term relationship with your buyers and subscribers is super important for the longevity of your business. Over the past year, I’ve met close to 1 dozen people who have NOT been mailing their list and that’s a huge mistake! Luckily for those people, I’ve played match-maker with proven list managers who are now helping them generate revenues they didn’t even think was possible. One guy in particular is making an extra 30k per month by simply have a list manager mail his list. I'm happy to help you with this too if indeed you are not mailing your list. I always feel good when I can play match-maker and when you think about it, these lists have added traffic opportunities to our health market place as a whole. It’s my hope that we all learn to work "together" more and more to promote each other’s winning offers so we can control our own destiny instead of being so reliant on fb or google. The thing I love about this industry is that we are all real people with products and services we know can help others. Just because google of fb doesn’t think our products are helpful doesn’t mean squat. Let this be a reminder to keep growing your business and your list while having as much fun as you can along the way. When someone new enters into our marketplace, please do your best to support them as you remember how someone helped you in the past by promoting your offer as an affiliate or giving you advice. Its my dream to use this network to support each other and help us all win now and win into the future. Our traffic will support our health marketplace as we train subscribers to open, click and buy all of health offers. Not all industries are like this fyi! We are lucky that health is such a broad wanted category. As we grow our lists and invite new people in to buy traffic and grow their lists, we can expand our entire health industry and find new customers from around the world. If everyone has the same principles as defined in this manifesto, we can create win win deals all day every day for years to come. Please share this website with anyone looking for health email traffic. Even though not everyone will qualify to be a member, this information within this manifesto can easily add an extra 25% revenue to any business who wants to grow. If you want to be part of this, you must be willing to spend at least $10,000 per month on clicks or it won't be worth it for you. Keep in mind that if your day 1 revenue comes back at 75% and you spend 4k, you can use that day 1 revenue of 3k that came back to keep your marketing budget rolling. If you can't stomach the thought of spending around $2500 per week as new revenue comes in from day 1 and goes back into marketing, get your funnel dialed in better and really examine your lifetime value of your customers. Many business owners are holding themselves back by not understanding how much they can actually spend to acquire a customer. Remember, you must add up all the numbers to make the proper decisions (Day 1 revenue + LTV of customers + LTV for email subscribers [buyers or leads]). To see how the Win Win List Rental blockchain system works, click below.
Overcoming Fear & Getting Over a Loss
Make Goods… To Ask Or Not To Ask
Optin Funnel?
The X Factor
Believe In The Machine
Have Fun Every Day
In Conclusion